Nephrological Treatment

Nephrologists are doctors who focus on problems with the kidney. Millions of people worldwide undergo treatment for kidney injury or chronic kidney disease (CKD) each year. Kidney disease can result from other health conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Even if you never had either of these conditions before, it can still lead to the development of high blood pressure and heart disease. Anaemia, osteoporosis, a weakened immune system, and an irregular heartbeat are all potential health complications of chronic kidney disease.

This correlation demonstrates how crucial it is to have healthy kidneys and to schedule an appointment with a nephrologist who can treat and manage any kidney issues.

·  Nephrolithotripsy

·  Extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)

·  Beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists (Beta-Blockers)

·  Diuretics

·   Vasodilator Drugs

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